Elegant Lions Gang Club

The Elegant Lions Gang Club NFT Collection

The Elegant Lions Gang Club is a collection of 9998 unique Lion NFTs. With over 340 randomly assigned appearance characteristics, each lion is completely unique and no two lions are alike. The collection contains 14 1/1 unique creations. The Lion Gang Club is a unique work of art, and the team is moving forward step by step towards its goals. All features are drawn by hand. For the lions, the team prefers Polygon Blockchain because they believe in Polygon's future.

The history of Lions

Leonardo the "Elegant Lion," as he was called, came from deep in the jungle, where he became famous for his bravery and wisdom as the ruler of his kingdom. In the Elegant Animals Club, he is one of the most influential members of the senior management, where he determines the direction and strategies of the club. Leonardo is not only the embodiment of physical strength, but also a master of tactical thinking and diplomacy. He is extremely charismatic and carries the leadership role with dignity and elegance, always putting the club's interests and goals first.Leonardo's story begins in the jungle, where his leadership skills were already evident at a young age. As he grew up, so did his reputation, which led to the club sending him an invitation to join the ranks of its highest-ranking members. Leonardo immediately recognized this opportunity to assert himself on an international level and strive to improve the world.Within the club, Leonardo often deals with various matters, from internal affairs to large-scale strategic plans. He is the one who makes the critical decisions and to whom the other members turn for advice and guidance. The story of the Elegant Lion is an example of how leadership is not only about power and decisions, but also about inspiration and setting an example.